Monday, July 16, 2007

Pupils lap up hi-tech learning of Irish

Back from Winona! (but not entirely awake....)
Pupils lap up hi-tech learning of Irish (July 12, 2007)
“Schoolchildren who 'H8' learning Irish could soon find that it is as easy as 'TXT', thanks to the use of new technology in the classroom.”


Glenn said...

Chonaic mé Téacschaint deireanas.

( I saw Téacschaint recently.)

Máire said...

Bhí mé á léamh cúpla seachtain ó shin! (ach bhí mé ag smaoineamh ar na catagoacha....)

Wes said...

On the Téacschaint link page did youse guys notice that they lenited "tseachtain seo chaite"!?

Do you remember my bringing that up last summer, a Mháire? Now that I've switched over to the standard phrase version the example shows up. [small 'aaargh']

Máire said...

Ooooh, b'fhéidir go mbeidh vague recollection agam...but I think I've blocked most of that out....